Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain and One Law for All are calling on everyone to join the Day of Agreement.
It’s quite easy to do.
On 10 October, upload the day’s logo as your avatar on social media, Tweet #dayofagreement or try it with your colleagues, family and friends.
You can also join our five minute flash-mob at 6pm in central London. (Email for more details).
Just remember, you can’t disagree with anyone – your colleagues, spouse, lover(s), mates, neighbours, children, bosses, or even politicians…
You are not allowed to dissent, ‘offend’ or question.
And before anyone gets too excited, they have to remember that they must also agree with everything you say. It’s only fair…
Seems impossible?
But that is what is expected of those of us who question, criticise or choose to leave Islam, including many Muslims and ex-Muslims…
Try it.
And while it all seems a bit of fun – on October 10 International Day against the Death Penalty – don’t forget that there are many living under Sharia law who are daily facing threats, imprisonment and execution for merely expressing themselves.
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
BM Box 1919, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
One Law for All
BM Box 2387
London WC1N 3XX, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 7719166731
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