19 year old Tunisia Amina who bared her breasts against Islamism recently managed to tell a journalist that she has no regrets for her topless act.
Though she was meant to be back at school on Monday, she was not there and continues to be held by her family against her will and prevented from contacting friends and FEMEN.
In the last interview she gave before she was kidnapped, she says women in Tunisia are ready for change:
That women have reached the height of self-determination: we no longer obey any authority, neither family nor religious. We know what we want and we make our own decisions.
This is the wonderful woman we stand up for and with on 4 April, the International Day to Defend Amina.
Free Amina.
She represents me and us.
(News on Amina via Caroline Fourest).
(Photo by Cristina Mastrandrea. You can see more of her photos of Amina here.)
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