Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

I dreamed that god would be forgiving


“I despair thinking of death; I do not want to be buried with my dreams.”

This is 21 year old Zanyar Moradi’s plea in a letter distributed by the International Committee against Execution.

He awaits imminent execution along with his cousin Loghman Moradi. Both have been sentenced to death by the Islamic regime of Iran for “enmity against god” and “corruption on earth”.

His plea reminds me of the song from Les Miserables:

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
And hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that god would be forgiving
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I’m living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed a dream I dreamed…

Zanyar asks: “Is the world so cruel as to stand by and watch [our] public execution and say and do nothing?”.

Please say and do something now…


Join an international day of action on 11 January to protest the impending execution. Protests in various cities can be found here. You could also carry out your own act of solidarity, write letters of protest, Tweet #FreeMoradis.  Stop the execution of political prisoners in #Iran, #Zanyar & #Loghman #Moradi.

Sign a petition here or here. Join Facebook pages supporting them here or here and send protest letters here.


8 responses to “I dreamed that god would be forgiving”

  1. […] can sign the petition at GoPetition and/or Or, better yet, you can Maryam Namazie has a link where you can send a letter of protest […]

  2. Casual Nemesis Avatar
    Casual Nemesis

    Both petitions signed, and forwarding.

  3. […] « I dreamed that god would be forgiving […]

  4. […] ask that you start the year by intervening on behalf of a number of urgent cases, including that of Zanyar and Loghman Moradi who face imminent execution in Iran for “enmity against god” and “corruption on earth”; […]

  5. […] ask that you start the year by intervening on behalf of a number of urgent cases, including that of Zanyar and Loghman Moradi who face imminent execution in Iran for “enmity against god” and “corruption on earth”; […]

  6. […] Namazie’s blog here she called for people to mark the protest joining in a tweet that would be happening around the […]

  7. Pitchguest Avatar

    Signed both petitions and wrote a gruelling letter of protest to the EU Foreign Affairs representative.

    Each time this happens, I get equally sickened every time. Going to do my best to forward the petition(s) to more people and I’m going to do my best to get the word out.

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