Here’s another photo from Iran via Kian Azar in support of the Nude Photo Revolutionary Calendar and corresponding video. The signs on the wall say: ‘No to Hejab’, ‘I am not someone’s honour’, ‘Women=Men’, ‘No to Stoning’, ‘Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran’, and what seems to say ‘No to gender apartheid’. The woman on the left has ‘Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran’ written on her body and is holding a sign that has political Islam crossed out. The woman on the right is holding a sign, which says: ‘I am a woman’. Together they are holding a sign which says: My choice, my thoughts, my body’…
Obviously they cannot show their faces because it would mean a death sentence to do so.
By the way, I will write a comprehensive response to address opponents of the calendar after my panel discussion tomorrow night at the National Theatre.
The calendar and corresponding video have received a lot of media coverage. Below is a list of many of them:
Des féministes posent nues pour soutenir la liberté des femmes, Gentside, 16 March 2012 [external link]
Iranian women pose topless for those who can’t, Forbes, 14 March 2012 [external link]
Tutte nude nel nome di Aliaa, l’Espresso, 13 March 2012 [external link]
Mideast women’s rights movement comes into focus, Jewish News1, 10 March 2012 [external link]
İranlı kadınlardan çıplak protesto, Radikal, 10 March 2012 [external link]
Nude Calendar protests Muslim oppression of women, Care2, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Freedom unveiled: Iranian women strip to slam repression, RT, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Iranianas gravam vídeo nuas em protesto contra opressão sexual, Terra Brasil, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Féminas pitean con calendario entero piluchito, La Cuarta, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Iranerinnen demonstrieren nackt gegen Unterdrückung, Bild, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Des feministe posent nues pour un calendrier, 20 minutes online, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Mujeres iraníes se desnudan en protesta contra la oppression, Terra Chile, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Aktivis Perempuan Iran Beraksi Tanpa Busana, Inilah, 9 March 2012 [external link]
Aktivistice se skinule do gola za calendar, Vijesti, 8 March 2012 [external link]
8 marzo: donne su Twitter, tra impegno sociale e politica, Panorama, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Aliaa ElmahdyDes féministes posent nues en hommage à Aliaa Elmahdy, Le Monde, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Iranian women undress to protest their role as second class citizens, France24, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Nackt, mutig, selbstbestimmt: Der Körper als Waffe, Spiegel Online, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Il nudo rivoluzionario delle donne arabe, Italian AgoraVox, 8 March 2012 [external link]
‘My body, my choice’: Exiled Iranian women pose nude for video in protest against sexual oppression in their native country, Daily Mail, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Iranian Women go naked to oppose repression, NOW Lebanon, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Nues pour la revolution, Liberation, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Iranian Activist Likens Nude Revolutionary Calendar to Topless Tabloid, IBTimes UK, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Iranske kvinner kaster klærne, Norwegian NK, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Egypte – Le calendrier nu des féministes du monde entire, SlateAfrique, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Calendarul care le-ar fi putut aduce condamnarea la moarte. Un grup de iranience au pozat nud, Adevaril, 8 March 2012 [external link]
Phụ nữ Iran ngực trần phản đối Đạo Hồi hà khắc, Xaluan, 8 March 2012 [external link]
International Women’s Day 2012: Nude Calendar Tribute to Blogger Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, IBTimes UK, 7 March 2012 [external link]
Topless Iranian women say no to political Islam, Digital Journal, 7 March 2012 [external link]
International Women’s Day 2012: The Nude Revolutionary Calendar, International Business Times, 7 March 2012 [external link]
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