Maryam Namazie

Maryam Namazie is a political activist, campaigner and blogger

Release Amina Now

aminaUPDATE 23/03/2013

One of the people who kidnapped Amina has been boasting that they did it for “her own good”. It is unclear though whether she has been hospitalised  or held somewhere else. Her phone has been taken from her and communication with her has been stopped so  we do not receive any information from her. (Via Caroline Fourest)


There are reports that 19 year old Amina who posted nude photos of herself for FEMEN Tunisia has been seized by her family and possibly the civil police (see video) and been hospitalised in a psychiatric hospital.

The only madness here is that she has been detained rather than those who have threatened her with stoning to death and are now denying her freedom.

She must be released immediately and unconditionally.

As she said,  “my body belongs to me, and is not the source of anyone’s honour”.

Hands off Amina Now!

4 April is the international day to defend Amina.

We will stand with her on that day and every day. She represents all of us.

World Social Forum being held in Tunis during 23-28 March 2013 take note: we expect you to take firm action in Amina’s defence.

(via Caroline Fourest)



12 responses to “Release Amina Now”

  1. […] There is also an update here on what has no happened to Amina, she was kidnapped […]

  2. azhang kian Avatar
    azhang kian

    اعلام همبستگی و حمایت از جنبش های اعتراضی و مدنی در هر کجای جهان…

  3. […] the world continues to fight for the safety of Amina Tyler , another Amina has become a victim […]

  4. […] to the “boys will be boys” mentality, just as the female relatives of Tunesian woman Amina are, who may have helped to get her committed to a psychiatric hospital in recent […]

  5. Nice TaTas ( . )( . )

    1. Dickhead

  6. puppet pirate Avatar
    puppet pirate

    What 4 Pious Men~
    My body is mine not yours~
    Save me from your Laws.

  7. It was not civil police, he is just her cousin and the woman with the headscarf in the video is the mother of Amina (of course you never defend muslim woman who wear hijab and who are oppressed in Europe, you are just practicing selective feminism).

    This girl run away for long days and her family was worry about her absence. I am close to Amina and i know what i am talking about.

    Please verify your sources.

    1. The information was received from people on the ground who are close to Amina too. Either way, this is not about whether a woman wears a veil or not; it is about defending someone threatened for merely making a statement against women’s second class status. Of course I myself have defended many women – veiled and unveiled, nude and not. The point is have you? Your callous disregard for Amina’s safety says much about your disregard for women who are unveiled. But veil or no veil, women are human and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

      And by the way, what do you think the campaign against Sharia courts in Britain is about – to defend Muslim women, many of them veiled. Or is that not the type of campaign you are speaking about?

      1. Here, here Maryam! 🙂

  8. […] Aanleiding voor de hack was dat de 19-jarige Amina die deel uitmaakt van FEMEN Tunisia een foto op sociale media plaatste. Van haarzelf met ontbloot bovenlijf. Erop stond in het Arabisch geschreven: ‘Mijn lichaam is van mij, en is niet de bron van iemands eer’. De salafistische prediker Adel Almi van de Al-Jamia al-Wassatia Li-Tawia Wal-Islah riep op tot haar dood. Eerst moest ze 80 tot 100 zweepslagen krijgen en daarna steniging tot de dood erop volgt. Hij vreest dat Amina vrouwen op andere ideeën brengt. Wat exact de bedoeling van haar actie is. Volgens de wet kan Amina voor het plaatsen van de foto 2 jaar gevangenisstraf krijgen. Plus een boete die oploopt tot 1000 dinar, zo’n 490 euro. De islamitische regeringspartij Ennahdha krijgt kritiek van critici dat het de salafisten te veel ruimte geeft. Ze intimideren tegenstanders. Amina Tyler is nu onvindbaar. Dat veroorzaakt onrust bij sympathisanten. Geruchten gaan dat ze in een psychiatrische kliniek is gestopt. […]

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